Black Rock Point Lighthouse
Black Rock Road

The lighthouse was completed in 1868 upon recommendation by the committee on Navigation and Securities. In 1878 the lighthouse was painted red with a white cross to make it more distinguishable. In 1928 a hand fog horn was established. An assistant keeper was employed in 1963 and a bungalow for his residence was built in 1968. Automation began in 1972 and the lighthouse reverted to one light keeper. An equipment building was built in 1977. In 1978 a new lighthouse was built replacing the original tower of 1868. The tower was 34 feet and the light height was 75 feet. The range of the light was 17 miles. The old two-storey house was sold in 1979 and moved from the site. Frank Kozera was the last keeper of the station. The lighthouse was destaffed in 1990 and in 1992 the fog signal became seasonal (May – Jan.).

Architectural Comment

The original lighthouse built in 1868 was a white, tapered square wood tower attached to the dwelling. The tower was 23 feet and the light height was 63 feet. The range of the light was 13 miles. In 1978 a lighthouse was built replacing the original tower. It was a square tower, white, with an octagonal red lantern. The tower was 34 feet, the light height was 75 feet and the light range was 17 miles.

Contextual Comment

This lighthouse was built and first lit in 1868. It was a one-storey building that was seven meters high with a hip roof. The light shone from a three-sided window. The fixed white light had four lamps and reflectors. There was also a storehouse with a shed on one side for a stable and a four meter station boat. Access to the station was by water. In 1878, because the lighthouse was not easily distinguishable as a day mark, it was painted red with a white cross. In 1963, an assistant keeper was employed at the station, and in 1968 a three-bedroom bungalow was built for him to live in. In 1972, automation began and the light station became semi-automated and reverted to one light keeper. In 1978 a new lighthouse was built replacing the original tower of 1868. The tower was 34 feet and the light height was 75 feet. The range of the light was 17 miles. In 1979, the old two-storey house was sold and moved from the site. In 1990 the lighthouse was destaffed, and in 1992 a flashing white electric lantern was installed and the fog signal became seasonal (from May – Jan.).

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